Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)
The Passover does not take place at a certain time of year, like Easter. The Passover takes place every moment of the day, if we are willing to pass over into another state. There must always be a passing over from one state to a higher state. So, which will you have me release, the robber or Jesus? Which will you let go of, and to which will you hold fast? I must release the robber, for I am housing him. Who is he? If this moment you want something and reason tells you that you cannot have it, then you are entertaining the thief that robs you of being what you want to be in this world. This is the "son of Satan," something in me that robs me of that other Son who will save me. The thing that will save me from what I am is Christ Jesus, and what is keeping you from what you want? Barrabas.