In representation to humanity, the hawk is called messenger, protector and visionary. Keen vision is one of its greatest gifts. Hawks see things others miss.
The hawk comes to you indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected to the ground.
As you rise to a higher level, your psychic energies are awakening and the hawk can help you to keep those senses in balance. Its message for you is to be open to hope and new ideas, to extend the vision of your life.
The Hawk is an animal of flight. It soars through the air looking down, and sees everything. It has a larger perspective of what is going on down below. With its keen eyesight, it looks down as it soars through the air looking for its prey. It can see the smallest of creatures below.
The Hawk is known as a messenger, similar to the planet Mercury, for the hawk soars close to the Grandfather Sun, as does the planet. When you listen to the power of the Grandfather Sun or Wise Spirit that lives within, you are protected from all types of harm.
The Hawk teaches you to be observant and take a close look at your surroundings. It soars with the power to overcome difficult situations. It soars in circles over the life of the earth, asking you to circle over your life and view it from a higher perspective.
The Hawk has a distinct cry, one that most people are aware of. Its cry signifies awareness. If you hear the cry of the hawk use your intuitive ability to discern the message and seek the truth.
If a hawk has soared into your life, you require a higher perspective. You need to see the details of what is going on and look at the bigger picture. Take a look at your situation from above.
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Googled Hawk symbolism and this came up... thank you so much for this inspiration!! A friend of mine told me today that a hawk had been flown over the wedding ceremony I had outdoors a week ago... I wanted to know what that could mean for us... and your post gave me some insight to sink my teeth into!! Thanks!!!
DeleteI was searching for the same thing. We had many people come up to us after our wedding ceremony this weekend and tell us that 7 hawks were circling the gazebo the entire ceremony and then they flew away once we were pronounced. What an amazing blessing! Congrats on your nuputals!
I'm glad you like it. I have seen so many hawks this spring and summer and fall. I feel blessed when I see them!
ReplyDeleteThis morning a hawk flew into my front window with such force ( believe it was trying to catch a mouse or mole in my flower garden) that it died instantly. Can you tell me what this might be trying to tell me?
ReplyDeleteDear anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThe first thing that came to mind was "getting your attention." Is there something that you have been stuck in or with in your life that you can fly above and gain a bigger perspective about? Something that needs your attention?
Thanks for the comment.
Something amazing just happened to me a few minutes ago. My car is in the shop, so I have a rental. I got out of the car and walked toward my office. I didn't see this, but my colleague said that as soon as I arrived, a hawk soared down over my car to catch a bird. The bird got away. Minutes later after coming back from getting lunch to go, I got out of my car, and this time the hawk soared in front of me and then made a u-turn in the trees. It was as if it said: "You didn't see me the first time, so here I am again." I looked at the hawk, and it stared right back at me. We were just looking at each other. It felt a little strange. i don't know if this has to do with anything, but "energies" always say hi to me (whenever I go into a new environment, someone's home for the first time, etc...). It sounds funny even to me, but I've finally come to terms with it after fighting it and being scared of it for so long.
ReplyDeleteNow about the car, I have a recurring dream about cars - me driving, or someone else. I've been having dreams like that since I was little.
Anyway, thanks so much for having this blog. I'm sorry I'm all over the place topic-wise, but I feel like I need to tell you all of this. I would love to hear what you think about all of this.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, anon. I love that you posted! First, I have to tell you that I must give credit where credit is due. I wish I could say that I wrote the blurb on "Hawk Symbolism," but I just found it and posted it on my blog. At the bottom of the entry is a link to the original post.
ReplyDeleteAlso...as a side note, did you know that of all the entries in my blog, this posting on hawks has been the most frequented one? I find it really interesting. I posted it after a series of sightings in my neighborhood. I continue to see hawks, and I know that every time I see one, I can choose to pause and recognize not only what they symbolize, but just the simple fact that everything is connected.
I feel that we are all in a time of great change, and that we are being called to look at our lives from a higher perspective....I would say that this higher perspective means different things to different people. I don't know you, but from reading your response, it seems that you are opening more and more to the idea that we are energetic beings and that there is so much more going on than we can see with our human eyes. Have you ever seen the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" You might really like it.
As for dreams.....I LOVE considering the symbolism of my dreams. I also posted a really simple exercise on dream interpretation...here's the url: http://divinesparks.blogspot.com/2006/11/exercise-for-dream-interpretation.html
Thanks, again, for your comment! What I feel from your email is an excitement and curiosity....almost childlike -- like you're a kid in a candy store. Isn't it great to feel that way?!
It was great connecting with you!
I seen 2 hawks in just a few hrs today.....an I am part Indian.....i hope it means something good!
DeleteHi Susannah-
ReplyDeleteI'm so thankful for your hawk symbolism. I'm hoping you can help with this. Last week my fiance was driving home from work and hit a hawk. He drove back to get the mirror and noticed that the hawk had died instantly. There was a half-eaten snake by it so he was assuming that the hawk had dinner for the family but obviously wasn't able to take it back. Any idea what 'killing' a hawk symbolises?
Okay I have googled "Hawk symbolism" on and off for over a year. I happened to work in a building where my desk faced the window and was always blessed with hawks flying around or landing on a light pole. I would just sit and stare at them in wonder. Then I began seeing them everywhere. They would fly in front of my car and land in a tree as I passed. I recently lost my job and had been looking and looking. Early in the morning I had gotten a call with an offer and told the person I would get back to them the next day. As I was driving down the freeway (we are talking the 405 in orange county, not the wilderness) a hawk was flying right next to me, I could see it through my passenger window. I believe these hawks are trying to tell me something and I so wish I knew what it was. Would like to know your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteBaffled in California
Hi, I Googled "symbolism of a hawk" and came across your blog. You don't know me, but your words really deeply touched me on this post. I recently (with in the past 18 months) discovered a completely different way to see the world. It started with movies like The Secret," What the Bleep," some things I'd read on Christiane Northrup's site, and also Louise Hay's "You can heal your life" book. Additionally, I have discovered an interesting system of thought known as Huna. Had you heard of this? It is intriguing...Anyway, recently I had a really cool red-tailed hawk experience: I am a ski coach and have kids I coach every Saturday. We play a game where we pretend we are animals, and then we ski fast "as" those animals. The kids love it, and so do I. Anyway, my "animal" yesterday was the red-tailed hawk. It sort of just popped into my head, and "felt" right. Anyway, on my way home, I was talking to a friend of mine I hadn't spoken to in a long time, and was telling him about how I may be changing careers. Just then, a beautiful red-tailed hawk soared overhead, right over my car. I could see it so closely, it was amazing. I couldn't help but wonder, is it a sign? Then, I had this weird dream and in the end it had a dead crow. When I looked these things up, it seems to say that change is definitely on the way. Your blog is a very synchronous moment for me, and really resonated with me. Thanks for sharing yourself. Just thought I'd share that...
ReplyDeleteOk, here's another synchronicity, I happen to be a teacher...what are the odds? I am the person who just posted the response about the red-tailed hawk experience...
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! This morning I was looking up cockatiels to maybe find a friend for my beloved Dusty and was looking for about an hour when I decided to go outside for a smoke and I heard this commotion coming from above me. I looked up and saw the biggest Hawk I've ever seen. He had to be at least 2 feet tall and he was staring right at me as if in curiosity and just sat there staring at me. As I was about to put my cigarette out he jumped up and flew away. The wing span on this gorgious creature must've been 4 feet long. I knew there was some sort of symbology with hawks and found this site. WOW what a morning. This has made my day. Myself and my gf have been acustomed to being witness to paranormal activities and for this to happen has really inspired me to be more open and look at the world from a higher ground. Thanks so much for this moment (however brief it may be) of enlightenment
ReplyDeleteI just reunited with a boyfriend from 35 years ago. We spent the weekend at the beach, and a hawk flew down and landed on the railing about 2 feet away, and stayed for about 2 minutes. What do you think this means?
ReplyDeleteMy uncle passed away on Saturday and I was crying asking god to accept him into heaven and to tell me he was in heaven. When i got out of the car i saw the shadow of a hawk gliding, i looked up and saw no hawk. 2 hours later i went back outside to get some air and saw a hawk gliding over my mother's house...once I saw it, and then her..it left. Any thoughts??
ReplyDeleteI seen 2 red tailed hawks in the same day and both were flying over my car several times. It was very odd because it was the day that my mom passed away and I didn't know it yet! It was like it was following me in a way. It was weird and I know that my mom has some Native American in her and I was wondering if it was her telling me something. What you explained in your definition did explain a lot. I seen that same Hawk a few times afterwards. Just wondering why is there and another one was flying around my apartment. Just wondering if there is more meaning that I am missing. I have been grieving still and I havent seen it in the last day or too. Wondering if I did something wrong! Please help and ease my mind.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post. Very inspiring. I had a vivid dream/vision a few nights ago. I don't think it is a dream per say. It was only for a few seconds. A hawk was soaring right at me, his eyes looking into me. The surroundings were the darkest black. As he came face to face, beak to nose, I woke up.
ReplyDeleteAlso, a few weeks ago, while in my back yard, I witnessed a tornado of hawks. Had to been over 30 hawks circling over an area near our house. The group circled together, like a tornado, but also moved as a whole in a circular motion. At first they moved closer to us, then further away into the distance. A few broke from the group and flew over our yard.
I had an unrecognizable feeling while watching this, like the event had some significance but I could not tell.
This post hit a cord for me. The last 6 months I have worked on my spiritual path. At first, it was very strong and directed. Then one day, it seemed I was asked if ready to see "my spirit guides". I immediatly felt an uneasiness and the word no popped into my head. Ever since, my path has not been as directed.
I am focusing on the path more, making a bigger commitment to it and it is slowly becoming more focused, feels more balanced than before.
Thank you for the post!
I was walking towards my front door and I saw a hawk right beneath the tree, I was somewhat scared and we both stared at each other for a moment. It was amazing, there were small birds making, what i believe where warning calls, to other birds. The hawk just sat there and looked at me. I went inside to let my family know, and when I came back out it was gone. Im wodering what this means for me?
ReplyDeleteI had a vivid dream of a hawk a few months ago, and have been trying to attach some meaning to it - any thoughts?
Here's the dream:
Hawk Dream
Me & my partner outside somewhere, maybe near water/cliffs. A picnic? On a blanket in a grassy area but rocks nearby. A hawk flies in and lands very close to us. It has mostly brown feathers with an off white breast with brown speckles and large black talons. We talk to it, I offer it my arm and it climbs up and perches on my arm. My partner says be careful of its talons, but it’s very gentle, I only feel a slight pinch. I ask it something – what it wants, what it needs? Something like that. It seems to be asking for something.
Next part of the dream the hawk is somehow transformed into a child – maybe around 9 months to a year old. It’s wearing white fuzzy clothing, not sure if it’s male or female. It indicates it wants to lie down (on our blanket) and sleep, using the sign language sign for sleep. We lay down on the blanket with it.
Pretty wild huh?
Today my dogs were in the front yard
ReplyDeletewhen I called them to come in my Golden was beside a dead squirrel.
I called my dog inside and was going to have my son remove the squirrel when he came home.
When we went to remove the squirrel I was surprised to see the squirrel was gone and a Hawk's feather, a large feather, was on the ground where the squirrel was... thoughts? D
I have recently started a journey to live life with a clear mind,open eyes and engage in life with a better purpose for myself and loved ones.I was recently driving in a car with a women i consider to be one of the most important people in my life.As we drove a enormous hawk came down from the trees and into the roadway about 25 yds in front of us at eye level.It opened its wings and began to fly right at us still at eye level.It flew with a definate purpose as if trying to tell us something.The hawk looked as if it was going to fly right through the windshield till the very last second.It was a very strange but very moving expierence.thanks for this post ,it gave some insight to what those messages could be ,especially at this time of a new beginning and new hope.
ReplyDeleteyour intro includes one of my favorite quotes, "we are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey...."
ReplyDeletei saw a hawk up close and personal today, looked it up online and found your blog :) thanks
This is SO amazing! Thanks for sharing. I have been seeing hawks regularly for about 3 years now and had been wondering why it was that I just seem to keep attracting them. It was about 3 years ago that I became really interested in finding my purpose in life and everything you write about here really explains all that I have been experiencing in my life. I literally got chills and my eyes welled up with tears reading your blog entry. Thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteWOW. I have had two miscarriages. One was in October and my second in April. Both the weeks before I found out I had miscarried I saw hawks all the time. Lately though I have been seeing them almost daily and sometimes in the same spot. Today though, I have seen 6 and then one of my friends that was following me saw one fly over my car. This really helps me out. My husband and I started working with a business team last year in July. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteHi Everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am writing because I am certain that this has to mean something. lastnight I came home and as I was working i heard a thump on the air conditioner when I looked a Hawk flew away, now this was at around 8pm, tonight I come to my room and again I hear a thump and I look and its the same hawk on my window I hit the glass it flies to the roof and then looks back at me and we're just staring at one another and then I noticed it was around the same time as lastnight. What can this mean?? FYI I had a white pigeon stay at my apt. window for 2 years once. I truly love animals but wondering if this has a meaning
Hi, My husband just had a hawk land on the hood of his car while he was sitting at an intersection. He said it landed, sat there and stared at him before flying away.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell me what this means?
For the past couple months I have seen a hawk in the same place every morning when I go to work and come home. I thought it might just be a coincidence but I come and go a differnt times. Just today I walked out of the back of the print shop I work at and saw a hawk not 10 yards away from me on a post. It stay for a few seconds and they flew away.
ReplyDeleteI have been wondering what it was was leading to. After reading your blog it all makes sense. As the birth of my first child quickly approches I welcome the hawks.
Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI met a hawk today on my run - twice. It was first on a wooden fence, only 10 feet away - when it saw me it flew but only a short distance than back to the fence. Then at the end of my run, after I had forgotten our meeting, it flew up over my head and away and I heard its call.
I have been wrestling with the details of my life and your blog opened my eyes to the hawks lesson. I am so grateful.
ReplyDeleteI googled Hawk symbolism, which I have been meaning to do for a couple of years now, and got your blog. I see hawks daily. I will be in my car driving on a back road or on an interstate, and a hawk will fly in front of my car for a minute or two, just soaring along in front of me. Today, minutes ago, I was driving down a road heading towards my new home, and a hawk tried crossing the road in front of my car and hit the middle of my front windshield. Of course, I stopped and ran to see if it was ok. I walked up and down the road, and then up a small path... the hawk flew down to me w/ a field mouse in one of its claws. It flew over my head and across the street where it came from before striking the car. It showed me it was flying, moving its wings, and soaring at a close distance. What does this mean?
I am the one from Orange County CA who posted above. I continue to see hawks everywhere, now they fly outside my window at my new office building by the beach. I have tried to open myself up and figure out what in the world they want me to do or trying to tell me. I absolutely love watching them and feel a wonderful sense of comfort when I see them. One day the answer will come and I certainly will share it. :) Love those hawks!
ReplyDeleteI have a hawk that comes to my back yard to hunt doves. Happened same time last year. Yesterday, it was on the ground eating a dove......what could this mean?
ReplyDeleteMy friend is battling breast cancer, stage 4 that has moved to her bones. Lately, she has been seeing hawks everywhere. She is youg (early 30's), spritual and determined. She has been fighting the cancer for 3 years and has not faltered. Lately, she has been seeing hawks constantly. On her drive home from the oncologist apt. where she got some good news, she said there were a bunch of hawks in her driveway, just waiting. Any meaning you can derive from this??
ReplyDeleteTo my most recent anonymous comment: Thank you for sharing your experiences with your friend who is going through such a challenging life situation. I want to respond by letting you know, first, that I didn't write the entry about hawk symbolism. I use my blog to collect writings of other people, and if you look at the bottom of the post you will see that I give credit to the person who did write it. Now...having said that, I share yours and your friend's connection with hawks. I see them and ponder their significance on an almost-daily basis. Every time I see them, I find myself saying, "Take a higher perspective." But then I found myself asking myself, "What is a higher perspective." Last year, I read something that seemed to answer my question, and I will share that with you. It's from a book called, "Love Without End" by Glenda Green, and it’s the chapter called “Bridges.” She uses the example of physical healing, but it can apply to any area of life where there is a need to rise above the level of the 3-dimensional problem or issue. Here’s what it says:
ReplyDelete"To solve a problem it is first necessary to view it from a higher level, thus gaining a larger perspective. In the area of physical healing this is obvious. A physician or any medical facility can only arrest an illness, keep it from progressing, reduce infection, and provide conditions in which healing may occur. The actuality of healing is always a miracle that happens through the restoration of wholeness. No matter what the problem, healing always comes from a higher level….discern the nature of our real hunger, and discover what really needs to be changed. What grief is causing you to bury your life in distress? With those answers, put your life in order and seek to bring more wholeness into the way you live it. It is always wise to seek higher counsel, both Divine and human, to discover ways of implementing a solution to any physical problem. As that solution appears you will know it by the wholeness it brings to your life."
This may or may not help you, but I felt that I wanted to share it, and if it speaks to you, let me know. I enjoy conversations relating to this so much.
Please know that your friend is in my heart and your reaching out through this blog is inspirational and loving, and it really touched me. THANK YOU!
My 15 year old son told me the other day that as he was riding his bike with no hands he looked to his side and there was a Hawk flying right along side him, so close that he could reach and touch it. How cool is that! What are your thoughts on this happening to my boy?
ReplyDeleteThis morning I felt compelled to contact a spiritual advisor hoping to gain insight on my family's current situation. You see my husband has been working in Denver, CO, for a few months while me and our three teenage kids are still living here in ATL. Let's just say it's been difficult living apart and the kids are having a difficult time with the whole situation-this will be our 4th move in 8 years. I guess we're all in limbo not knowing what our future holds. During my talking to the advisor, she mentioned that she sees a hawk in regards to my perceptions and intuitions. I felt this was interesting and thank
ReplyDeletes to your posting about hawks, I have a better understanding of them. She told me to pay extra attention to my surroundings and nature as spiritual guidance. Interesting...
Hi Susannah
ReplyDeleteI was in touch with a friend yesterday that I've lost contact with over the years. I asked him to say a prayer for healing for me as I've had health issues over the last few years. I felt some physical healing as well as a full heart of love from my friend. Then today a Hawk flew into my window then sat on my railing shaking is tail feathers as I watched him. What do you make of that?
Hi, a friend lead me to this site to try and help me figure out what I have been seeing means. About two years ago I was sitting out back when a hawk came down on the roof behind my house and got a robin that had been sitting there. I wasn't exactly sure what I had seen, so I went to look over my privacy fence when the hawk flew over my head with the robin, behind the hawk was another robing flying after him making noises like it was crying. Yesterday I was unloading my sisters car at my parents house when I heard noises in the trees right by the driveway. When I looked around I saw a hawk sitting right beside the driveway. It flew off with a squirel. Another squirel hopped down the driveway watching them fly away. both times it makes me sad to see how nature really works. I don't like to watch show with the predator animals and now I have witnessed it first hand, twice! Could you help me to understand the meaning of seeing the hawk catch its prey?
ReplyDeleteHello, around 5 this morning my 3 year old son climbed into bed with me and told me about a hawk sitting on the top of my television. He said the hawk was stuck and could not fly. He also said the hawk was blue and black. He was unsure if the hawk was nice. This went on for about 15 minutes and you could see my son was wide awake and looking at something. I see things late at night or early in the morning, that others can not, and when I am unsure if a person or thing is nice I tell it to go away and it disappears. I told my son to tell the hawk to go away, but I am not sure if it went away or we just fell asleep. If the hawk returns what should I tell my son? I want to help him through these visions because I didn't have an adult to help me in my early years. I think we should pay more attention.
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts?
HI there, about two weeks ago a hawk landed on my terrace in New York City. I am 32 floors up. It sat there looking into my window for over 2 hours. We kept staring at each other and eventually after my littlest daughter saw him he flew away...wondering if you have any thoughts.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Today, when I walked out of my house I saw a hawk catching a prey right in front of me. it probably flew off the tree ....I'm still under the heavy impression... I believe in symbols, especially after reading book "the Alchemist" If the symbol of a hawk means messenger....what does the prey mean?
ReplyDeleteI have been in an on again off again relationship for many years and have been praying for guidance with regards to which choice I should make. Yesterday, during a period of turmoil, I glanced out my window, and there was a smallish hawk perched on a tree directly outside...when I noticed it, it swooped away...Very moving and don't know if it was trying to give me security, insight, or direction. Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteYesterday I had the most wonderful experience. A magnificant hawk like the one in this blog came and perched on a post on my deck. My husband and I were in awe of this magestic bird. The hawk was less than 15 feet in front of us. Just observing us as we enjoyed him/her. What a blessing and joy.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I found this... I've searched trying to find something. for years I've seen a certain hawk (i can always tell if its mine or not) it's sat on my house or just flew over the car or just sat there at times... once i was driving in the winter and seen it on the side of the road covered in snow like it had been hit by a car and i was heart broken, on the way back in the same spot it was sitting on a fence post and that really made me interested, I always feel safe when I see it, now I know why. thank you!
ReplyDeleteI googled hawk symbolism and your blog was at the top of the list so I checked it out. I want you to know that I think it is great. The reason i googled the hawk is becouse for about the last three months I have encoutered a hawk everyday. Sometimes two or three times a day. New it couldn't have just been coincidence considering that I have only seen a hawk about ten times in my life and I am going to be thirty this year. Nothing new has changed in my life as of yet, but I do always get a very secure feeling when I see them. Anyways just thought I would share with you. Please respond if you have heard of this happening with someone so often.
Pleae help..My mother passed away two months ago and has came to my sisters in dreams, except me. Her and I were really close and I miss her terribly and wondered why i never dreamed of her. We are native american. Just realize that I have seen about a dozen hawks randomly flying...one just yesterday! I also remember the day of her serive, one flew over my house!!! What does this mean? I am so searching for answers!! Thank you!! Please help!!
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with dreams, real hawks, or visions. I have a famly crest with the symbol of a black hawk on top of the crown of the head shield. It is a profile view and the hawk holds a gold ring in its mouth. The crest dates back to the 14 hundreds. Have any idea of its meaning?
ReplyDeleteI have had three experiences with red tail hawk once when i was little a red tail hawk flew through our kitchen window, a second time a few months ago my husband and I were driving and it flew along side my window so close i could almost touch it it flew with us for almost three minutes and then I saw one three days ago. Just before work i side a little prayer about certain things going on in me and my husbands life an our later I was walking past the window at my job i see this big bird land on a tiny branch i looked and it just sat there staring at me. It was like five inches from me. I felt like I could have opened the window and pet it. the bird had such calm eyes not feirce peircing at all they felt loving too me what do you think that means?
ReplyDeletea few weeks ago i made the decision to start going to a spiritual group at a church with a dear friend of mine who had been talking about the class for months. I just moved to the south from the north and had always been aware of the hawks that pass me from up high. i cannot imagine how people disregard the sky while going about their daily lives. I kept my eyes in the sky more than i did on the road. . . So, i made the call to start going to this class on thursday or so, on friday i was driving home from the store and i looked over to my right and there was a hawk sitting on the ground. we made eye contact and it seems like we didn't take our eyes off one another. he or she, got up, flew right in front of my van and flapped his wings so he stayed in one spot. he was in front of my van right in window view for a few seconds and then flew back to were he was before. it was like. . . i don't know what it was like. it was beautiful and magical. i cannot get the image out of head.
ReplyDeleteThis afternoon i was doing some tarot card readings and i heard the hawks cries ,at first i thought it was a dog or something then when i finished the reading the hawk came swooping over me almost knocking me over with surprise!
ReplyDeleteI work on the 3rd floor in my office - there are large windows with a large ledge outside of them - We see birds all the time - However this morning there was a beautiful hawk that landed right outside the window in front of my desk. It just sat there a minute facing in. Do you think there is any meaning in that - I have never seen this hawk or any other in this area. I normally do not believe in signs etc. However my family is going through a lot of changes. Not bad ones - just new and unknown directions.
ReplyDeleteYesturday I had recieved some rather challangeing news, and as I was talking to my Step mom about it, I looked out the window and saw the Hawk. I am very greatful for his presesnce in my life and I thank you for sharing his meaning. Much Love, Tara
ReplyDeleteI had been having troubles with my boyfriend. He walked into my house and immediately made an insensitive comment. I was angry, told him so and went to cook. I was still angry during the cooking, and I felt stifled in the house and went straight outside to my deck. Not even 20 seconds was I out there, a Coopers hawk flew right past me into the window and was lying on the deck shaking.. I started to cry. I kept calling my boyfriend to come. He finally got off the couch, came down and showed me the bird, and his wings and his eyes. He was beautiful and had died. Later that evening, my boyfriend commented that the evening had gone badly until the hawk incident, and then things seemed ok. I was sure the hawk had a message for me. I am glad I found this blog as I have been working towards spiritual awakening.
ReplyDeleteMy husband saw a Hawk fly into our front bushes and by the time I saw it, it was sitting up high on a lamp post looking down at us. We had a moment as a family, basking in its glory. Afterwards, I felt a strong spiritual sense and decided to look up the meanings of Hawks and found this. It made me cry because of what we are going through, it fit perfectly in so many ways. thank you for the aide in my spiritual awakening.
ReplyDeleteI feed the backyard birds, and many wild doves come for the seeds. Today it was a windy cold day with rain and a few doves came for the seeds. While I was watching them from my kitchen window, a hawk swooped down. Most of the doves flew away, but one flew against my window, and the hawk grabbed it, brought it to the ground and killed it before my eyes and then flew off with it. What could be the spiritual message of this? I found it to be very disturbing.
ReplyDeletei think hakws are a pretty cool guy there strong and doesnt afraid of anything
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading this exciting information.
ReplyDeleteJust wished there was a way to let the rest of the world know.
I'm looking for a little meaning too. When I was small a hawk perched in an old oak tree I was laying under, and just watched me for at least 10 min. When I told my nieghbor, who was babysitting at the time, she said that it was protecting me from something.
ReplyDeleteThis afternoon I saw one circling overhead, looking down at me as it did. What does it mean when a hawk circles you? I once heard that when a hawk circles a soul, death is sure to follow what the soul loves most. Is that true?
At my wedding this September, a giant hawk swooped down for a drink of water out of the only fountain at our venue. Our guests had already arrived, but it was fearless. It stayed on the fountain for a few solid minutes in the middle of our cocktail party. My photographer captured a picture of it looking directly into the lens, and we HAD to know what this meant for us. Thank you for posting this informative site, it really spoke to us and seems to hold true to its meaning and symbolism
ReplyDeleteI can tell you first hand that Hawks are truly messengers. As I stand there watching my Grandad get put into the ground ,about 12 yrs ago, a hawk comes down and perches over the top of his funeral tent. My dad said that was his soul telling us our final goodbye. I never forgot that day even up to four years after that day.Four years later on a December morning, a hawk screeched and swooped down and cast a ten foot shadow on me, as i bent over to grab a rock off the ground. Do you know what the significance of that day was? That was the same morning of my dad`s death and my mom was about to divorce him so we were staying at my gparents house fifty miles away. As i stand there at his funeral watching my father get buried,i saw his soul say goodbye just like my grandad. I have a strong affinity for them ever since then and also being almost half cherokee makes it even more strong.
ReplyDeleteI think that your mom was saying goodbye to you for the kid that lossed his mom. I know because i had a dream the night after my dads death and the signs from the hawks from before. Maybe native americans have spirit connections to hawks.
ReplyDeleteI really loved reading alot of these comments. I think there is a common bond amongst people who view hawks in dreams or waking life. I had a dream last night about two hawks that loved me like their mother. Every time they saw me they flew to me and rubbed their heads against my face. The love I felt from these two birds was wonderful...like an unconditional love that would never end. I wonder what that means as my daughter recently kicked me out of her house for no reason that I know of...but her feeling of hatred for me was pretty clear. I don't know what if anything I did to make her do this. My son was somewhat involved but I'm trying to keep him out of it. I am going to be moving to another state in the next two weeks to live with a friend and his kids in a big house. I will be continuing to get a higher education which my daughter doesn't believe I should be attempting. Can you help me with this dream meaning?
ReplyDeletehey i am an artist and am in the process of making an art piece. Its not definately decided but im considering using a hawk silouette in it. Would i have your permission - IF this idea goes ahead- to use the description you wrote about the symbolism, to help summarise the meaning of my art piece? i would summarise it myself but i think you put it perfectly :)
ReplyDeletei would of course give credit and not claim it as my own words
thankyou i really enjoyed reading it
Hi, Anonymous (and anyone else who is reading this). I did not write this piece about symbolism of hawks. I use this blog to collect others' wisdom, and at the bottom of the entry you will see that I have given "props" to the writer of this. I originally found it on a cached web page. I checked the link today, and it wasn't working, so I did some searching again and found the cached page here: http://web.archive.org/web/20060214113454/http://www.askyewolfe.com/symbolism-hawk.html I hope this helps you track down the author! Thank you so much for the comment, and good luck with your art. :-)
ReplyDeleteSo I keep seeing hawks sitting in trees on my way to and from work. Not that it isn't unusual or anything...hawks are birds...in trees.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is I immediately pick them out. I see them in the thick of a tree as I'm driving by on the interstate. Also, this one time a hawk flew over my car just as I passed. It was perfect timing. I got a good look at the beautiful creature.
So, seeing hawks daily and coming into close proximity to one, does this mean anything?
Thank you for this blog! As I have been seeing a Hawk numerous times in the past 3 years. This is confirmation to me! I definately need a higher perspective many, many times in my walk with God. This is so encouraging to read this, this morning as I have just seen another Hawk while driving home this am. Most magnificent and majestic creation in the earth. It was soaring high!! Wow!!
ReplyDeleteThanks ,
ReplyDeleteThis makes some sence , Im looking to make some changes in my life and keep seeing hawks everywhere I go . Not sure the full meaning but it does give me some reassurance in the direction im going
In the past week a hawk chased a dove into our glass patio door at home. Three days later the same thing happened to me at work when a hawk was chasing a black bird and it hit my glass office door. Both the dove and the black bird died. What does this mean?
ReplyDeleteHello! I'm very glad to find your site, maybe you can help me interpret something that happened today? I was driving back to Windsor from London, taking the back way as usual and noticed two ravens, one on either side of the road circling. As I was looking at them, a hawk swooped down in front of my car very low and very close. I had to brake fairly hard in order to avoid hitting it and I got a very close look at this majestic creature. It seemed instantly meaningful to me but I have no idea how to interpret it. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteThank you!
This is for the person who left the last comment...yesterday...3/21/11. I hope you get this response!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you would play with me for a bit…. I am just learning how to read Tarot. I do not see it as “divination” or “predictive.” I see it more as a tool for opening up conversation about our lives. So…I decided to hold your question about your hawk sighting in my heart, draw three cards, and then see what questions popped up for me. I wonder if you could think about what I share…if it resonates with you, would you let me know? It would provide validation for me. If they do not resonate with you, just throw it all out, OK? So…here it goes….
Based on the cards I drew, I sense that the hawk could be a symbol for you calling you to wake up and take notice of what you have been feeling/sensing/knowing for a long time …. You have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and make different choices that will give you different results in your life. My sense is that you might be conflicted between your heart and your head…a conflict between what truly fills you up and brings you joy, and old worn out beliefs about yourself that feel comfortable, even though they don’t serve you anymore.
I wondered if this had something to do about career, but truthfully, the “staging area” (career, relationships, health, etc.) in your life doesn’t matter, as sometimes the essence of the themes flow through many areas of our lives. Are you conflicted about where your “home” is? And by “home,” I don’t necessarily mean where you physically live…as they say, home is where the heart is. Where/when do you feel most authentically you? You might think about what you were drawn to as a child? Where was your joy? How have you shut out your connection to your childlike authentic self in the name of “security.” What beliefs about yourself are you holding on to that are distancing you from what you truly long for?
Cheers! Susannah
ReplyDelete"It's message for you is to be open to hope and new ideas, to extend the vision of your life".. which to me means to keep Hope for our future, Eternal Life in Heaven, and be open to new ideas to spread the good news about Jesus Christ, such as the idea I have right now about posting my experience in your blog.
Also, in the other blog, it says that if the Hawk is in your life, GOD is telling you that you are an individual who will possess an astute awareness of the concept of the INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF ALL THINGS (Through GOD), and will have an inner reverence for all life.
"These are the souls that are involved in making the World a better place, and encouraging & educating others to do the same."
My Aunt also found this..
"Thus when lying as dead it represents the transition, larva state, or the passage from the state of one life to another." This statement is amazing in itself since I recently discovered that I am a Born Again Christian which means my old life of sinning has died with Jesus Christ on the cross and I have now been Spiritually Awakened and Born Again into a new way of life through Jesus Christ. I am living a Christian Lifestyle now and I am a true believer in Christ and the fact that EVERYTHING is connected through Him! So since I started strengthening my Faith in GOD and became 100 percent willing and open minded to turning my Will over to Him and putting my Life in His hands, all these miracles have started happeneing in my Life and I have never been happier.
I strongly suggest that you give Prayer a try and begin to connect with Jesus Christ and truly believe with your Heart in Him and the miracles He can do for you. He changed my life and He can change yours as well.. to make the world a better place and give you Hope :)Thank you for your Blog and helping me understand what is happeneing in my Life :)
Brian, I am just so amazed by the story you have shared! I hope you will write that down and share your story with others. It's inspiring, uplifting...just beautiful. You are celebrating a passage into a new way of looking at the world and yourself. You seem strong and determined and filled with passion. Be diligent. There is no doubt in my mind that you can help others. I believe that our deepest wounds can be transformed into our greatest gifts. Thank you, again, for your inspiring story! Peace, love, light.... Susannah
ReplyDeleteHi Susannah, thank you for taking the time to do the tarot. Your reading really did strike a cord in a number of ways. For a while now I have been unsatisfied by my job (I always expected it to be temporary) and have increasingly felt that I have this beautiful gift of experiencing life on Earth for what is really a short time and I am letting my fears stop me from fully experiencing it. I have felt very close to making radical changes for a while now it has only been the uncertainty and the fact that it would affect my partner as well that has stopped me (and probably not feeling quite able to let go of my old views about what's possible and what my responsibilities are even in light of the new understandings that I currently hold). I know its just fear though because the uncertainty wouldn't be a problem if I would really embrace my creative potential and know that I have the power to change my life. Because if I really claimed that I wouldn't be afraid of the outcomes.
ReplyDeleteI have also just come to Windsor to be with my partner but was not happy with the move. I was on my way back to Windsor from London (where I lived before) when the sighting happened. So there is a conflict about home for me, because I live here now only because I love my partner. I do not wish to and will not stay long. Again thank you for the reading, it was really a great opening for me to really consciously look at some of these things that are operating in my life but which usually remain in my subconscious. Thank you :)
Dear London-to-Windsor... ;-) I really appreciate your response. I want you to know that I can completely understand your career conundrum. I feel pretty much the same way. And your comment about always feeling your current job would be temporary...that really struck a cord with me, because it's how I've felt, as well. And yet, I, too, feel this bubbling radical energy inside me. As for your home issue...it will probably take some courage to talk with your partner, but my sense (through what you have said in your email) is that you know it's something you will, eventually bring up. You have such a nice way with words, and the feel of your email is so gentle and kind. Hang in there, and just know that there are others who feel similarly! Take care of yourself....I'll follow my heart if you follow yours, ok? ;-) Susannah
ReplyDeleteI was walking to school and I look both ways crossing the street, there were no cars then one car came flying by and quickly put their brakes on, after I got across the street this red tailed hawk soars right down next to me and lands on a tree branch and stared at me. Is that odd? I don't think they normally do that. Just wanted to know what it ment.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this blog... I have had several hawk experiences in the past 3 months. The first happened shortly after losing my 16your old son in a car accident. I sat on the front porch in the early days that followed his accident having a talk with God, trying to make sense of everything. Through my tears I asked God to give me a sign something to help me through my pain, I saw a shadow cross the ground and a hawk appeared. It flew above me for what seemed like forever just riding the wind. I thought in that moment "soar with God baby." It has given me so much strength these days when I see a hawk.
ReplyDeleteYesterday my mom called and said a hawk landed on the boat dock she was sitting on and she felt it was a messenger for my son. So I googled hawk symbolism this morning and found your blog. Thanks again...I am looking heavenward until I reach my destination...Michelle
I don't know if this blog is still active...but...I host a spiritual chat room online. A couple of nights ago one of our very gifted readers/mediums saw a Hawk behind me. A Google search brought me to your very informative blog re the Hawk. Thank you for that. It was "right on."
ReplyDeleteWhat if I had a vision of a black hawk, what would that possibly mean?
ReplyDeleteA hawk has been visiting me for a few weeks now... hanging out in my patio :) so it was time for me to look for his message.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the information, it was very appropriate for me.
I also have a tiny little bird that comes often and "knocks" on my window while I work... and then just stays perched there... that one is still a mystery to me.
Huge bird and tiny bird....
A close friend called me yesterday and very excitedly told me that while he was golfing a hawk came and perched on his golf cart. He and the hawk sat there for awhile just staring at each other. Thank you for the Hawk info.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am intrigued by an occurrence that took place immediately fallowing my grandfathers death. Every time I have seen a hawk doing something odd over the years ive looked it up and every single time my birthday appeared somewhere on the page. One time the writing was written and posted on the very day I was born at the very minute. If this wasn't odd enough ever since my grandfather passed away 21 days ago I have been fallowed by this extremely large hawk that has animal experts thrown. It's perched upon the house I'm in right now. Just moments after my grandfather passed away the urge to write came over me and in 3 weeks I've written 200+ pages. It's entitled "The Human Illusion & The lies Within". It's the strangest thing I've ever heard of. I can't stop writing or I get very tense. I've found myself skipping meals and avoiding friends. This information is groundbreaking!! It makes everything make sense! My emails Ryan921@aol.com. Contact me for more info, I cannot help but tell people!
ReplyDeleteDays ago, I went to pray at the local monastery and chapel. I was really stressed out at the time, and felt that the best thing I could do would be to spend some time focusing on what matters; changing the ways of my life. Anyway, When I got home shortly after I found a very disturbing note left under my door. It was a threatening and menacing note from an old associate trying to get money from me. Immediately I became angry and further decided that my life needed a change. After I walked to my alma mater and to the building where I spent most of my time studying. Sitting in the front lawn near the fountain was a falcon, eating some meat of some sort. He allowed me to come very close, to even photograph him. It re-established my faith in the divine nature of God and his protection. It also made me absolutely sure that the changes in my life I was debating inside were the right ones.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to make of this and would like to get your insight. Yesterday on July 4th at a friends we opened the blinds to see a hawk on their balcony. As it turned and looked at me I snapped a pic. Of course it flew off and we sat back down in the living room. Less then 2 mins later a huge crash came from the living room window (different from where we took pictures). When we opened the blinds the hawk was on the balcony floor. Sat there a min and I was going to go out and help. It managed to fly off and sit on another balcony until it was well enough to fly away.
ReplyDeleteThis has great meaning I know I can feel it but what? I have never heard a hawk flying into a window like regular birds. They have very keen eye sight. What are your thoughts?
I moved back into a house that my ex and I have owned for about 6yrs and for the last 2 nights a hawk has been perched atop a birch tree screeching. I can hear him clear across the house. When I go to look at him from the window he then leaves. What type of communication is he trying to give me? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I had been evaluating my long term financial goals and deciding how to proceed. Later I stepped out onto my patio to use the BBQ and didn't realize for a moment that I was standing 12 inches away from a redtailed hawk which was quietly standing on the ground next to me. I backed away and went into the house. He stood there facing the wall of my house in a fairly enclosed area for 24 hours! I took a few pictures throughout the visit. This morning he was still there in the exact same position facing the wall. He was very calm. I had someone come over, drape a sheet over him, pick him up and place him in a box for delivery to the animal rescue shelter. He was quite beautiful with no signs of fowl play and he made no fuss at all when he was picked up. Was this a sign of something for me? I live alone.
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather is dieing, and yesterday he stated that he seen a hawk, it was looking at him. Then today he had a stroke. We wanted to look it up to see if it had any meaning, and we came across your webpage. We are hoping that what you say is true. I believe in god, and I feel that it was a way of him being Here for him. I would at least pray so. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy fiance and i were walking down the street and all of a sudden we look up and there is a hawk flying over us, circling. Then here comes another and another until there were 7 hawks in all. Ive never seen anything like it, it was amazing. Now im feeling like maybe there is something extremely important i need to be seeing!
ReplyDeleteAmazed & Confused...
Today I was sitting reading on my deck. I was reading a Deepok Chopra book about The Seven Spiritual laws. I realized that I am trying to find my Spirit. I love nature and have been spending a lot of time in it lately. As I am reading, I look up and see a hawk circling. At the same time a Blue Heron flies over as well.. When I read your info on Hawks helping us to find our soul purpose and helping us to be open to new ideas and vision I began to cry. So very much HOW INTERESTING...Thanks so much.
ReplyDeleteHello, it was such a blessing to read this blog. This past Saturday my mom and I were returning to my home from the Cider Mill and we noticed a Hawk sitting on my roof. The Hawk never moved, no matter how close we got and even looked me right in the eyes, but didn't move. My mother was even taking pictures of it with her phone and it never moved. We left back out to do some shopping, only to get a call from my husband saying the house almost caught fire from a space heater that we keep in our sunroom. My 18 year old son often sleeps on the couch in that room with the space heater running all night. Thank God it decided to catch fire when someone was home and alert. Thank God for the protective and watchful spirit of the Hawk! :-)
ReplyDeleteJust had a large one crash into my sliding glass door and almost knock himself out. Left stuff splattered on the door. And I've never seen one in the city. Strange.
ReplyDeleteMy family and I made the most difficult decision to put our dog to sleep and that happened almost 3 weeks ago. I was letting Sunny out for the last time before we went to the vet - I was in such agony even though I knew it wasn't really my beloved Sunny in the body anymore. A couple hundred yards away I saw a hawk circling. It didn't seem particularly breezy but the hawk only soared, no flapping. Soon "he" was joined by another and then another and they seemed to be following the same corkscrew pattern, following each other, soaring up the corkscrew, then down all while gently coming our way. Soon there were seven, 10, 15, I couldn't even count them, and I didn't see where they came from just that so many were in that pattern now over top of where Sunny was sniffing around. I called for my kids to come outside not wanting to take my eyes off of them. In just a couple minutes they had drifted pretty much out of view.
ReplyDeleteI looked at my kids - I said I've never seen anything like that nor have I ever seen so many hawks at once. At first I was kind of creeped out thinking hawks came when they spotted something dead, and my dog was not dead yet! My daughter and I kept thinking it couldn't be the death/food thing, it must mean something. We are believers that animals go to heaven based on references in the Bible (see I Will See You in Heaven by Jack Wintz)
Last night we were talking about it again and I told her I would see what I could find on the internet - and I found you! Do you have any specific thoughts on this encounter?
I had a dream that a hawk was following me and my mom as I was riding in the car. Then out of nowhere it smashes into the drivers side window and breaks the glass. It was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever had.
ReplyDeleteA hawk was just in my backyard for well over two hrs eatinf a squirell and it let take some pics of it. It just kept eating. please tell me the symbolism as I know there is some. I'm Pagan and trying to find out what the message is would be greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeletethis morning i was out on my deck and i live in town and a hawk landed not 4 feet from me on the deck railing and when i turned my head it flew away today is new years eve just thought it to b weird does this have any meaning
ReplyDeleteHi Susannah,
ReplyDeleteI was wondering where you got the explanation of the hawk symbolism?
Thanks for sharing, if anything it's great so many people want to know "what does it mean??" Why can't the hawks talk to us? Come on, us humans grasp for clear communication! :)
My story is that yesterday, I was trying to decide whether I needed to go back home and start school (as in it starts this week), or stay where I am and try to get into another school. I was really unsure about what to do, and cried myself to sleep worried about it (drama queen?)! This morning, as I was running, a bird I'd never seen before came flying in a few yards ahead from the right, and perched itself on a branch to my left. As I came closer, it took flight crossing my path again. I was like 'huh, that's a cool bird...is it a hawk? What is it?' I've been working on my spiritual path as well, so I wanted to remember it to look up. Well, later today I was driving to do random errands, and what do you know? That same-looking bird flies over the car, and lands on a tree to my right. I know it's significant because I realize I've never (or not in a long enough time to know what it is) seen the bird, and saw it today twice. If it means it's time to look at life from a high perspective, perhaps it means I need to step back from looking at this decision of: to go home or not? from a wider perspective. I have decided to stay where I am, but I hope it's the right decision. I get mixed signals :)
But thanks for this explanation of hawks! I'll be back on here...
This morning I woke with great clarity that a red hawk was ' with' me.the feeling of it's precense has remained with me all day. I appreciate your insight,and your blog..and wonder if you can expand on anything you feel since the visual I still have is that the whole bird was red... Thank you!
ReplyDeleteDon't you love that this post has gotten 95 comments!!? That tells me that there are many people out there who are seeking and questioning and looking beyond the literal realm to discover the magic in the symbolic.
ReplyDeleteTo my anonymous poster (the one who used the term "drama queen" lol!). If you click on the link at the very end of the post (the one that says "props to this cached page") it should take you to the page (no longer published) where I found the quote. I wish I could say that I wrote it, and that I know a ton about animal symbolism, but I'm still learning. What I do know is that interpreting symbols we see while we are awake is not unlike dream interpretation. What does ____ represent to you? It affects you, not because Hawks affect everyone, but because at THIS time in THAT moment, it meant something to you. I have also shifted my perspective from "I saw this, so it means that I must do that" to "I saw this, and it triggered me, and it validates that there is a part of me that knows I'm bigger than all the stuff that is happening around me."
I love that you have written me on this blog, and I just think everyone who has posted is totally amazing and incredible and inspiring!
xoxoxoxox Susannah
This is awesome. About two weeks ago, there was a hawk outside my house. For 5 days in a row, it would sit on the power line. When I left, it left. When I returned, it flew back and perched in the same spot. I saw hawks while I was driving. One even flew alongside my truck once, about 10 feet from the driver's side door. I've been meaning to research what hawks might symbolize since I've been seeing them nonstop lately.
ReplyDeleteI've been going through a hard time in my life. Probably the worst time I've ever had to deal with. I had a really bad day the other day, and for the first time in my life I felt like I had nothing left to live for. Yesterday, when I woke up, I decided that was stupid. I realized how lucky I was and that I had SO SO much to live for, that maybe the hard time I'm going through is only making me that much stronger. I felt much so better with that different mindset, when I looked at my situation from a different angle.
Today I finally remembered to research on the weird hawk situation. This came up first on google. Such a weird coincidence (or sign from above, as I like to think of it). So glad I stumbled upon this. Very infomative, very inspiring.. Thank you so much.
I had to write because this just happened! First off, hubby was made to drive to another city for work which we were not pleased about. Second, he left this morning unhappy and drained. Three, I drove to pick up our daughter from bb practice pulled up at home and there it was! In my yard then flew to my house and sat and sate looking off in the direction of my hubbys destination. I got out of my truck after sitting there watching it for a few minutes then it flew away. Fourth, I came inside my house and not more than 2 or 3 minutes later. I looked out the window and there was my husband! he was back home! I cant help but think that it is some symbol for him for change or redemption.... what do you think. PS lived here all my life, never seen one in town, just out more toward the mountains. :) any comments please
ReplyDeletePer you blog title - I was and am uplifted and inspired. Thanks you for putting your creative energy and gift into this.
ReplyDeleteYes. The hawk flew right at me today!! It was so close to my head I felt the wind of the wings. We were amazed, and I've found it a very inspiring experience. What more can be said? I'll be remembering this.
ReplyDelete--Jim :^)
ReplyDeleteThis guy crashed into our building.
Any ideas on what that might represent?
Appreciate the insight.
When I viewed your video (thank you for sharing, btw) and read the blurb you wrote underneath, I felt this feeling of my heart expanding. And then I thought of this question: When, in your life, have you been knocked silly by an experience, and had the resilience and fortitude to get back up and keep flying? ;) I'm curious if the hawk represents a part of you. Thank you so much for posting and asking. I also thought to point you to a really interesting documentary about a very interesting man from NYC. The doc is called "The Cruise," and here it is in its entirety: http://divinesparks.blogspot.com/2011/12/cruise-documentary.html Love, Susannah
ReplyDeleteMy father just passed away and I came across a Hawk sitting outside an apartment building..I immediately thought of my Dad because of his love of nature..we had his service that day and when I came back the same day I was told the Hawk had died...and could not be rescued...looking for spiritual guidance and any symbolism..
Today, I noticed a hawk sitting on my fencepost and mentioned it on facebook. A friend, whom I had recently asked for advice on helping to get our new non-profit going, suggested I google Hawk Symbolism. Your blog post was at the top, and it was PERFECT timing. Thank you so much. I know this is old post, but clearly the universe puts in the right place at the right time. And I appreciate Her for it. And you.
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog – I am intrigued that I found it years later. My energy has been low the last couple days. Interestingly enough, there has been a Cooper Hawk sitting in the tree near my bedroom window the last couple days; almost like a riddle awaiting to be solved. Your words and the synchronicity of all this empowers me. I am renewed and energized and of course interested to see if the Hawk will show up again today. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Bader
I cleansed my house during the full moon the other night. Yesterday, I felt full of energy and hope. Just now I look outside in my backyard and directly across from me sits 2 hawks. Just sitting. One flies away and the other stays. Then moves to another tree. I feel like they were watching me. They've never been in my yard before, nor have I ever seen them.
ReplyDeleteI had a hawk stand in the middle of the road staring at me today. It was a very strange thing.
ReplyDeleteI walked out on the back porch today and a large bird took off.At about 9:30 AM, I watched the same bird on a hill side in the front of the house.Later,I went to investigate and it was a hawk that had died.It must
ReplyDeletehave been the same bird that I saw earlier.I disposed of the body and wonder if this is some coincidence or an omen of sorts.I'd appreciate any feedback from someone wise of the ways of the hawk.
I read a post this morning by a friend which said if a symbol keeps showing up in your life search it’s meaning out on the net. A hawk keeps showing up to me and sure enough this afternoon there it was. So back at home I search it and it takes me to your post. The picture couldn’t be any closer to the red tailed hawk that keeps showing up for me. Your explanation of the symbolism really resonated with what’s going on for me right now so a big thank you.
ReplyDeleteHi there and yes, thank you so much for your blog - I am glad to know that others are having hawk experiences like I am -- just yesterday I was leaving a local store in a shopping center in the suburbs and for some reason I just looked up into the sky instead of focusing on the parking lot -- way above me were several - about 5 hawks just circling and gliding on the wind way up -- I stood there in awe. i finally found my car and drove south about 1/4 mile on a busy road - as I was driving I glanced to my left and there were at least ten of them - they looked like they were in ecstasy - at least I was watching them.
Just googled this and found you...and at the right time too it seems! Also just had my first hawk experience (right outside my kitchen window.) Coincidentally, last night I was contemplating my life's purpose (have been on a good path and was reevaluating the situation, hoping to figure out what next.) Anyway, I believe that today's hawk was sent to me as a message of hope and encouragement...to keep on this path to look/live outside of myself, and to make a positive difference in this world. I'm more inspired now then ever!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I Loved reading your blog. I came upon this after meditating. I meditate occasionally but i jjust started doing it everyday and keeping a clear mnd can be difficult but every time my mind wanders I reclear it and I have a flash of a picture. and one was a wolf running towards me, although it wasn't scary. And another was a hawk soaring. usually these images mean something and I believe it's the angele getting a message across to me because I ask for guidance and protection when I meditate. I was wondering if you had an insight on this
ReplyDeleteKyanna...Thank you so much for sharing! The more people share about their hawk sightings, the more I realize that we all have hawk energy within us, and the reason we notice hawks is because their energy speaks to us in some way at the time we see them. I would trust what comes to you. It sounds like you mostly felt comforted by the image of the hawk...almost like it was your angels letting you know of their presence. :) Susannah
ReplyDeleteThis morning I was sleep with my daughter and was awoken to the sound of a hawk outside my window. I didn't look outside though. What do you think this is telling me?
ReplyDeleteYour right. I stumbled across your blog.
I have a sailing vessel and do charters. A couple of days ago a small hawk landed on one of my lines and road with us for well over an hour as we crossed a section of the Gulf of Mexico. We had lost the engine, and were sailing back to port for repairs.
He flew away and a couple of hours later was spotted sitting on my mizzen spreader. We were close to our port, and waiting for a tow boat to pick us up and tow us into the marina.
He rode with us to the dock and stayed for quite a while and then left to enjoy lunch, I'm guessing in the mangroves.
I just wanted to thank you for your inspiration. Just what I needed at the moment.
Please continue to do what you are doing so well.
Light & Magic
Capt. Paul
s/v Panacea
Dear Capt. Paul... Thank you so much for such a kind note. I have loved keeping this blog for the past 6 years. I had wanted to collect artifacts that inspired me, and I remember thinking, "Well...why not a blog? Why not share with the whole world?" There are a few pieces of original writing mixed in, but most of it is other people's wonderful insights. I think the world can use as much positivity as possible, don't you? And when I connect with people about this particular Hawk entry (did you see over 1200 people have "liked" it on Facebook!?) I am reminded that there are a lot of folks searching for a higher perspective on life...people with their hearts leading them. Thank you again, for writing. I went to your web site, and think it's so cool that you do what you do! I love that area - Fort Myers/Naples. It's just gorgeous! Take care. Susannah
ReplyDeleteI lost my ex-boyfriend (but still very much best friend and soulmate) to suicide last summer. We had a few special places we used to go (lakes/parks) and I pretty much spent the rest of the summer and fall visiting those places for hours. The first time I did, two little blue dragonflies landed on my shoulder while I was talking to him.. The rest of the summer and early fall, I saw dragonflies everywhere, one day there were little blue ones on every other blade of grass it seemed all the way up my path to work. I got a tattoo of a blue dragonfly in memory of him with his initials in it. Once winter came along I began seeing hawks.. every day, at least 5 sitings a day. This morning I put on a new ring I ordered online (a small silver dragonfly) On the way to work I saw about 6 hawks and a bald eagle, so I googled the symbolism this morning, found one similar to yours.. when I went to lunch 2 hawks flew with my car and just a bit ago when I went out, there were 5 together circling above me. Should I go get a reading or something??? I don't know how else to find out what I'm supposed to be hearing or seeing!
I was anticipating an upcoming major surgery with dread. I had been out of work fro a year and been drinking in excess and other things contrary to what I believe as a Christian. 30 days prior to the surgery I had horrible dreams that were scary. I reversed my behavior quickly. During this time a RedTail hawk first circled above me as I was getting into my vehicle then went around a tree then screeched as it swooped once more.
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks later as I went to see the Pastor for counseling another flew right over me. I was told he was out and to come back in an hour. I was freaked out another sighting, but came back and the hawk was perched this time on the Cross of the church and did not move for over 30 minutes. After meeting with the Pastor I came outside and it was gone. There has to be some symbolic meaning here and I hope it is good for me...a sign of new things for me. I was in such a bad state from the dreams I thought it meant I was not going to make it through surgery and was looking at judgement. But I made it through. I hope it was a spirit for good change not something else
ReplyDeleteA long distance friend told me about a hawk who paid her a visit tonight and I wondered about the symbolism...a friend on facebook connected me to you! Love it and your timely message!
Hi my name is skyler and 4-12-2012 I was praying in my head silently and looked up and it was 4 hawks flying over my head and 5 hawks was there and a 6th hawk came up.they made a circle around my head and flow away
I had an interesting encounter with a hawk back in October. The hawk flew inches above my head and he delivered his prey right at my feet. It was a moving experience and almost scared the hell out of me but I felt he was delivering a divine message. Today I saw two hawks soaring together, flying high, vision
ReplyDeleteI have a hawk with 2 missing feathers out of his/her wing and every time I go outside I see the hawk in my yard or over my house or swooping through my yard to snatch up a snack. I love that this blog has the Hawk symbolizm and that I was able to come across this article and I feel I am seeing the big picture, I start my new job today and many more paths to come.....
ReplyDeleteToday I woke up feeling sad, feeling disconnected. So I ran up to my favorite place high in the mountains and fell asleep on a rock in the sun. When I woke up, I started to talk to the Divine about everything I was feeling. I was feeling like I knew what I needed to do but I didn't know how to do it. I knew I needed to let go of the things that were hindering me and open and trust, but I felt stuck. So I was asking my guides and angels for help and guidance, and right as I was saying that 5 hawks flew over the flatiron mountain circling over me, and then 2 of them swooped down RIGHT in front of me, literally about 20 feet in front of where I was sitting. They then dispersed, but I watched the 2 that were hunting below me for quite a while.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this blog to help me understand why they came to me at that moment. It was such a gift.
Thanks for this it was very insightful at this moment in my life. This morning I was sitting outside and a large shadow flew over me and then another. As I looked up I saw four hawks circling. I have been in a deeply stressful period of my life for several years, torn between two different existences in two countries.
ReplyDeleteI feel as though I am being swallowed into a vortex of day to day necessities of subsistence with no joy or grace. My spirit has been deadened through this process and yet there are potentially wonderful things to come. I have just lost sight of them. I am so deep in the tunnel that I have lost sight of the light at the end and keep trodding along out of necessity. Thank you for this post. You have reminded me to elevate and perceive from a better stand point.
Thank you for your post, Robert! I just want to say "Hang in there." This too shall pass....I really believe it. Take care of yourself. Love, Susannah
ReplyDeleteIve had a few very bad things that i had to deal with and one of them being death and the murder of my infants sons. On two occasions I've seen hawks flying over me. Could you tell me what you think it means?
ReplyDeleteToday we had the most incredible double symbol. In the brigh afternoon sky, two bald eagles were soaring on thermals. Then, suddenly, two mated red tail hawks started soaring underneath them by 200 feet. The four birds drifted along the ridge. Both birds symbolize care, watchfullness and visionary awareness. I would think it means I should either be very aware of the world these days, or that we should feel watched over. Not sure.
ReplyDeleteIt did weird me out that a pyschotic old friend whom suffers mental illness has been calling over the last few days and leaving messages that the "dark knight" is coming.
Am I being too creative ?
Back in October of this year, when I had just moved into my house, I had seen a hawk sitting on my mailbox with a little white dove in it's talons. I went outside and it sat there and stared at me for a long while. I started to move towards it, and it suddenly took off.
ReplyDeleteCould that mean anything signification?
Dear Susannah, I referenced you in a recent post on my blog. Thank you for your eloquence and presence and voice :)
For months, I've seen hawks circling above me, everywhere I go, anywhere from 1-6 at a time. Just a few weeks ago I walked outside of my house, Iooked to my left and in the old tree was a big beautiful hawk just watching me, I stared back at him for what seemed like 3 minutes. I feel so blessed to have the hawk around me.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi, I liked your post on this bird! I've been noticing hawks a lot lately. Today I was on my way home and one flew in front of my car twice, and I came pretty close to hitting it. I was wondering if anyone would have an idea of what that means regarding hawks
ReplyDeleteI also stumbled across your blog. I had a dream of a hawk flying toward me staring into my eyes. Then the hawk just stopped and flapped its wings to remain airborne right in front of me. I have been listening to a lot of Kelly Howell Brain Sync and really feel, particularly the Retrieve Your Destiny. I also listen to her work on the Secret - Attracting Wealth, and recall the "acre of diamonds" in your own backyard reference that she quotes from an early 1900's author. I think the Hawk is telling me I am on the right track and "God" is sending the information I need and to have faith my global perspective is my personal gift in this lifetime. The synchronicity is mind-bending. This New Thought movement (check it out on Wikipedia) is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! Thank you. My story is kind of long but I will try and make it short. My brother died on impact in a car accident and we were very close. I really never noticed a hawk in all my life. After he died, every time I would be upset..a hawk would fly above me, when I drove my kids to see their dad and was upset..there was a hawk following my car. My second husband knew about his and unfortunately he passed away after we were only married a year. He was my best friend and soul mate. While driving home from the funeral in the limo a red tail hawk flew right up to the sun roof and I could see his face, markings and eyes. UNBELIEVABLE! I could share more but it wold be long. All I know is that I have quite a few loved ones that are my guides and appear as majestic hawks!! Thank you again for your post! Kim
ReplyDeleteKim...I am totally honored you would share these very personal stories with me. I am touched by your strength and spirit. Thank you so much! Much, much love coming your way! xoxox Susannah
ReplyDeleteHi, what does it mean if a Red Tailed Hawk hits your window carrying a duck? Is there an omen about this somewhere?
My beloved dog died yesterday unexpectedly. About 1/2 hour later as I was grieving with all of my heart, a large hawk flew down and landed on my driveway. It looked at me, squawked and then flew up and away. I am in so much pain since I lost my dog. What could be the significance of the hawk? I have never experienced that before. I am hoping my dog somehow was trying to tell me she is okay.
ReplyDeleteHi, My husband for the past couple days has had a redtail hawk fly in front of his truck while on duty as a security officer, what is the possiable meaning for this?
ReplyDeleteThanks Lorraine Warren
My family name is "Hawk" (translated from my mother tongue) and for many years I felt bad about it and the aggressive tone in the word. But I am beginning to understand the beautiful spiritual meaning of it and now I am seeing so many raptors whenever I feel strongly connected to my spirit. This is interesting!
ReplyDeleteThis morning my 3 yr old woke me up and said she had a bad dream about a racoon. We looked up the spirit totem meaning and it was on target to what has gone on with a certain situation in our life. Just seconds ago I was on my porch and as I looked up a hawk came out of no where and looked down on me. I'm pondering my thoughts on why all these different animals are in my life in the last month. A red fox,a bald eagle,a turtle in the yard just passing through,a tree frog,a toad on my porch right now. All have showed up and each moment that passes my SPIRTUAL levels feel like they are channeling in some many directions....
ReplyDeleteThis has been a helpful post to find. I know a little about the wisdom of animals, but it's always good to know a little more. I know you did not write this piece yourself, but no matter how I try I can't seem to get that link to the original text to work. I'm enjoying your blog immensley.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this, Susannah. (~:
ReplyDeleteI've had this page open in a tab for a few days, since I received a clear and (doubly) confirmed message that the Hawk is very much with me at the moment. I read through a couple of other pages of hawk symbolism, noting what resonated with me.
Today I observed the Hawk hound an eagle. It swooped down in it, again and again, herding it out and away from its territory. The eagle was far larger than the hawk!
I continued reading this page and the two other I had left open in tabs.
A while later it happened again. The eagles returned, the Hawk drove it out, relentlessly and fearlessly.
I surmise that the hawk is protecting its nest / young. It has been amazing to watch these birds this afternoon, the hawks, eagles ~ then the vultures that swooped by too. The hawk has been hovering and visible far more than usual, as well as crying out far more often... advertising its presence (something they usually shy away from) and making sure it is visible and noted by its larger cousins.
Blessings and love to you Susannah and all who embrace the Hawk spirit and energy
This morning, my daughters and I heard a loud noise, when I got to the window there was a hawk trying to get in the window. He did not stop trying to get in and was not scared away by us. He continued to not "fly" into the window but more just trying to get in. I put up sheets, put my cat at window and it never distracted him or her :) When I would look from another window he flew to that window and sat on the ledge. He/her has been here for about 3.5 hours, trying to get in every 20minutes or so. I read your blog and shared it with my mother, whom since he started has been startled. Her being old fashioned said he is trying to tell me something. He is now in tree right outside my window, flying back to look in the window. I even had the chance to video him!
ReplyDeleteI hope you can help me. Like others,while researching hawks,I was led to this site.Mom had her colon removed 1.5 yrs ago due to cancer,then underwent the chemo and radiation treaments required.She was cancer free until 4 days ago,it has returned,this time in her liver.In 10 days,I take her to a cancer center where it will be determined what,if anything,can be done.Yesterday, while walking to the car to drive to Mom and Dad's house, I heard what I thought must be a child blowing whistle. 3 to 4 blows, then stop.This repeated itself non-stop causing me to investigate the source which led to the discovery of the single hawk circling our neighborhood,repeatedly crying out.Not the screeching sound most often associated with a hawk,but like the sound from blowing through a wooden reed.I mentioned this to my parents over lunch and Dad wondered if perhaps a hawk mates for life and this one had lost its mate.Overnight,I forgot the hawk.But,I went outside this mornning and there it still is, circling over the neighborhood, still crying.Do they mate for life,or is this considered a sign in regards to my Mom? If so, is this a positive sign? I am just so extremely sad and worried for my Mother and my Father. I pretend to be positive in front of my parents, but I am terrified!My parents have been married 58 years, they are soul mates and they are my world! Sorry to unload, but thank you for letting me. Sandra
ReplyDeleteDear Sandra, I am feeling for you and your mom and dad right now. I feel your pain and fear and grief. I am actually not a hawk expert. The piece you read is a snippet from another site I stumbled on a long time ago that no longer exists. What I can offer is that if you feel it is a significant symbol to you, then I would just keep that in your heart. I no longer interpret symbols as "good" or "bad" - they are just outward manifestations of something I already know inside. I might think about what the hawk represents to you, as if you were interpreting a dream you had in which a hawk appeared. I have found that the more I try to understand something with my rational mind, the more the symbol loses it's essence and slips away from me. If you just hold that image of the hawk in your heart, I feel it will serve as a reminder to have faith, and know that all is well. I hope I have offered something that comforts you in this challenging time. Much, much love. xoxox Susannah
ReplyDeletelast night I dreamed hawk feather...I really don't know what this mean..I can't remember the dream I only know that was about hawk feather...
ReplyDeleteAbout a couple weeks ago we had a family gathering at my mothers, with about a dozen or more people there.
ReplyDeleteAs I was sitting down having a smoke I happened to look to the right side of me and a hawk had swooped down just as straight and uniform as could be and landed on a low tree branch no further than 30 feet away from me.....I was the one to reconize It and catch its attention, it kinda stared at me and looked away, and did so for about a minute or two, I was kinda shocked it never got spooked considered there was a few children around being loud and well...children.
I don't know if this has any substance to the situation but lately I've been doing sole major soul searching ie: my faith and answers about creation and if the women I've been with is really the right one for me...
Regardless it was still quite a neat experience even if there was no "energetic connection"
Thank you for helping find the meaning of the white hawk. I have a unusual story. Yesterday i was taking pictures of the clouds and a beautiful bird i have never seen before landed on a tree close to me. I took pictures and found it to be a white hawk after doing research. Today i had to finish a job that has worried me to death. I have been cutting a huge dead tree down for a lady with cancer. She has no money and the tree was close to destroying her house. My friend climbed to the highest point to cut the top limb and got really nervous and had to stop. He climbed down and as we were contemplating not cutting for risk of injury another white hawk landed in the very tree we were cutting i videoed the occurrence. you won't be able to tell his color because of the sun and shadows but it was a white with black spots hawk. Then we felt it was a good omen and my friend climbed to the top and cut the limb and it went perfect. I came home googled white hawk symbolism and i would have to say its very accurate. thank you.
So today a hawk landed in the pine tree out front while I was having a smoke and letting Trooper hunt. Trooper got pretty hunto, and was woofin @ the hawk.(Dogs can't look up :P)
ReplyDeleteAnyway the hawk was there for 30 seconds or so, and he dropped one of his feathers from the tree to the ground. It landed right infront of me, then went on his way. The feather is now on my wall proudly displayed.
Anyway, just decided to google 'hawk symbology' and this came up. Pretty cool. I will meditate on all of this later, but I felt the need to share.
The significance to all of this is that I had a massive life changing consciousness shift a month ago. Without going into a long story this is going to make my week.
So glad to find this info. Three days ago a man that I have fallen in love with moved away (1 hr away by plane, we plan to continue seeing each other but I am heart broken) and since then I have had a hawk fly over my head every day (3 different hawks in three different cities). I am trying to figure out what I should interpret this to mean ... If anything. Thanks!
What sources did you get your information from? I'm very curious because Hawks are a very important symbol in my life and I am trying to research what a hawks symbol means to differnt cultures.
ReplyDeleteHey Susannah ... I was on a date with my boyfriend today and saw a hawk that soared down onto a fense in Newark in th cold weather.. What does this mean.
ReplyDeleteThe other day I was in conflict with my husband and as i was leaving the house and about to get in my car the biggest hawk I have ever seen, with a huge wing spread, flew right by me about 5 feet away. I was awe struck and knew it had to have a meaning. As I watched it fly by , a smaller hawk, a normal size hawk flew up under it and twirled around and then the two hawks continued on together with about twenty feet between them. Have any ideas. Thank you so much.
ReplyDeletewhat does it mean when you see a hawk eating a white dove on new years eve
ReplyDeletewe are just sitting down to dinner an noticed the hawk than the white dove
Interesting. My teenage son said he keeps noticing hawks. I like the way you wrote this post..he can understand it. We tried looking up the meaning on other sites, but this is truly user friendly.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your insight.
I was wondering if it meant something that a hawk stopped me in the road and climbed into my hands.I have a video that I took because I couldnt believe it.When I tried to let it go,it wouldnt let go of my arm.Now I wonder if I made a mistake in turning it away?
ReplyDeleteCm today a hawk flew by my windshield and grabbed prey with a screech as it flew by within inches from me direct in front of my windshield.... I saw it grab a rodent and fly back to where it came from within seconds does this mean anything?
ReplyDeleteI have been followd by Hawks my entire life they have always been by me above & circling me I live on the coast I should see eagles like that Ive only ever seen 4 but hawks its like they do stalk me......in my dreams to its strange
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this hawk symbolism. It causes me to reajly think about the meaning of my dream. last night I dreamed that abnormally huge hawks had invaded my dwelling. my family was in danger and I decided to sacrifice myself so they could get to safety. The hawks were angry and hungry. I ran so they would chase me and leave my family alone. It appeared to be working. So weird. I could see the hawk so vividly. It was no doubt a hawk.
ReplyDeleteA few weeks after my 10th birthday, while still half asleep and getting ready for school, i looked out the kitchen window to see a red tailed hawk sitting on the table.... not 12 feet away. An amazingly, strikingly beautiful animal.... right there....so close. I have never forgotten that image or the emotions/feelings that it enlightened deep within my soul.
ReplyDeleteSince that day (35 some odd yrs ago) i have seen many, many hawks in my lifetime. And i welcome their company, their wisdom, their insight and knowledge.
I have seen them while driving my car, while mowing the lawn, while planting tomatoes and herbs, while getting the mail, while out peddling the bike paths ... the visits seem to be random, yet always yield so much more within the next few days. Many times i have been made aware by a red tailed hawk that "now is the time to really pay attention" or "prepare for things coming into my life" or "to examine something closer, as things are not always what they seem". There is always a message, always.
But i believe, more than anything else, that each visit reminds me to calm the thoughts that race threw my mind, to quiet one self so that the heart can be heard and to look at the wonders that exist around you. Each visit is a gift.... a chance....an opportunity to see things a little differently or from a new and different perspective.
I feel most privileged to be in the company of hawks.
Thank you for sharing such a deep and sensitive story. It really brightened my day! :) Susannah
ReplyDeleteMy wife has been battling advanced stage 4 pancreatic cancer for over 16 months, and in the past few months her decline had been rapid and severe. Her liver function was shutting down and her cancer had spread from her pancreas and liver into her bones.
ReplyDeleteOut walking the dogs I watched a hawk pearched regally at the top of the tallest of three pines, as a much smaller black and white bird repeatedly flew at the hawk in an effort to scare it off. I told my wife this story.
Then, last week, following a procedure to set her right femer (it had failed as I held her, so fortunately there was no fall), her vitals dropped, but she was stable. In the morning I received a call that she had passed, then shortly another call that no, she was still fighting. I rushed in to the hospital.
I found her failing weakly at the team surrounding her bed. Clearly her pain was intense and nothing could be done. I asked the staff to please, not hurt her any more and to give her the morphine she needed to ease her pain. She slowly fell into a troubled sleep, fighting for every breath as she battled to keep her failing body alive.
After several hours at her side with no change, I decided to risk rushing home to take the dogs (her babies) on a quick potty walk. While on that walk as I neared the spot where I had seen the hawk before I was suddenly struck fully on the top of my head with both talons and the full weight of the hawk. I turned, shocked, and saw the hawk flying away.
I immediately called the hospital to see if everything was ok, and was told there has been no change. I quick got the dogs home and rushed to my wife's side. I spoke to her for the next hour, about God's plan for her, about how we would miss her terribly but that we would be ok, and that it was ok to let go. I sang softly to her a song that meant a great deal to us. Suddenly her breathing eased, and her face relaxed. I called her mother and best friend and the staff into the room, as it was clear to me that she was departing. Then her breathing stopped, as her thoat pulsed for a couple more minutes. Her warriar heart and brilliant minds two parts of her body unaffected by her horrible disease.
I felt then the hawk was a messenger, telling me to return, that we needed to find closure. That final talk means the world to me going forward.
How fitting the Hawk came to me this morning. After reading the symbolism of this magnificent creature I can't express how it will help me in my personal struggles at this very moment, work, marriage, life...
ReplyDeleteThanks you for that!!
the hawk is the only animal i ever see. they seem to fly in my window and sit beside me i find it wierd.
ReplyDeleteThe last couple of years have been transformational for me and the presence of hawks in my life has been beautiful and amazing. It seems they soar above me everywhere I go. They follow me while I'm driving and it seems that when I need guidance or validation of a thought, the hawks provide me with comfort and confidence. This weekend I participated in a Healing Touch training. My partner and I chose to practice our treatments outdoors. Each time I layed down for my treatment, the hawks would appear sometimes coming so close I thought they would land next to us. So beautiful, so meaningful, so incredibly powerful. Namaste.
ReplyDeleteI love that you shared this. Thank you so much! Namaste to you, too! xoxoxo
DeleteSo im laying in bed & this boy ive been off and on with for the past 7 months stayed at my house lastnightt for the first time. I woke up to a hawk hitting my window every 10 or 15 mins with full force. What could this mean?
ReplyDeleteThank you for this beautiful rendition of Hawk symbolism. Do you know what the differences between different hawks are? I was just gifted with Cooper Hawk Feathers - I would love to know. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteJodee....thank you for your comment. I do not know. I would imagine a part of you does know. Perhaps put the question out there (you already have!) and see what comes up for you! Let me know! :) Susannah
DeleteI've always believed in there being more to life around us than what meets the eye in 3D form , have been told by multiple spiritualists that I have developed a "higher form of psychism" and in the past month or so have been reading more about The Law of Attraction as explained by the Abraham Hicks model ( the basis of The Secret ). To simplify - you command whatever comes into your life by way of thought and how you phrase your thoughts makes all the difference in The Law of Attraction. All this ties into understanding the meaning of life and our purpose on this planet in this lifetime. So I meditate on being more in tune with nature- specifically for non pet animals to be comfortable in my presence so that I may enjoy and appreciate nature more fully. I have lived in the same residential home for 17 years. Since I have mediated on the aforementioned thought, 2 Cooper hawks started flying over my yard and perch themselves in one of my palm trees- and never before have they done so! So I Google the message of symbolism of a hawk and your blog with the answer to my question was the first reading that popped up- let me tell you-after reading it, all I could think was HOLY CRAP - the Universe has a wicked sense of humor to answer me! This further strengthens my purpose, to dig deeper in my quest to understand more of 'the big picture' and the energy of everything happening all around us in a way that most people do not have open eyes to.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bella, for sharing! I love your stories and wisdom! xoxoxox
DeleteI came across you blog searching for an explanation to a strange and wonderful event last night. while I was sitting in my garage last night a baby hawk flew down and landed 3 feet away from me. He looked up at me and just made little chirping noises. He stayed around for about 30-45 mins and then flew off. I was very upset last night over some issues at work that had me ready to quit my job TODAY! After reading your blog I have decided to ride it out a little longer. BTW I live on Indian land (I am not Indian). Thank you for you blog!!!!
ReplyDeleteWell now I need a hawk fitted to where lol
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about that because I get alot of interactions from Hawks. Today two encircle over my head when I was going to work (I've grown tired of my job and want to move on) and every other day I hear a hawk cry outside my window till I get out of bed when I get to the window he flys off. And the other day I find a hawk feather at my doorstep
ReplyDeleteI have been recently noticing that I have found many hawk feathers everywhere I go and I am a kind of person that does receive messages that others do not I believe that my spirit animal is a hawk I son see things others don't not physically but I see others inner emotions or I predict when bad things are about to happen with numbers that catch my attention. I know you think I'm crazy but I'm telling you the truth and I would really like to know how to get to my inner calling and what I want to do and not what others expect me to do. ?
ReplyDeleteI don't think you're crazy at all! It sounds like you are tuning in more and more. I don't know if I have a perfect answer for you in terms of how to get to your inner calling. I know that I can relate to you....I, too, have slowly developed more awareness of my inner calling... yoga has helped me quite a bit. I have just come upon a book by Rod Stryker called "The Four Desires." In his teachings, he outlines some exercises in which you hone in on your Dharma or purpose. That book has been very helpful. It sounds like you are on your way, though. Have faith! :)
DeleteAnyone mind helping me? So for the past week I have noticed and started to pay attention to the increase in Hawks in my town (something I never do) I have even noticed a cloud in the shape of a Hawk head! My life is sorta interesting right now. I just graduated from high school and I'm going off to college in a few months to start my Air Force ROTC training to become a pilot... I'm sorta following a life dream right now to travel the world. And I have never been this driven to follow any other career that I have thought about. I feel like something is pushing me in this direction and it just feels, Right. Well 2 months ago I got into this new relationship... it's been great we both understand each other and all that stuff but at the same time it's been one FRUSTRATING relationship the negatives are stacking up and I'm on the edge of wanting to end it because I know it's screwing with my head. (But at the same time the second part of my lifes dream is to have that special girl by my side while I take this insane journey I mean it's always nice to have someone by your side while you take a journey right?) I understand the Hawk symbolizes a higher perspective, A message, and that "The hawk comes to you indicating that you are now awakening to your soul purpose, your reason for being here. It can teach you how to fly high while keeping yourself connected to the ground." Well what does this mean for me. What is the Hawk trying to tell me about this situation because I get the feeling that it's all connected in some way. Any help would be nice because I'm going nuts here. Thank you anyone in advance. P.S. my E-Mail address is morgan77740@yahoo.com should anyone want to contact me. I'm all ears.
ReplyDeleteWe love the Hawk. We have a few different species here where we live. We love to see them. Their significance is so cool. Spiritual too. Love your blog. Nice one!
ReplyDeleteJust yesterday morning we had a baby hawk sitting on our patio, it stayed there awhile before it flew off, I have some pictures, it was so cute. We live in a suburban area so to see one like that is pretty cool.
ReplyDeleteI live in a concrete jungle in Las Vegas, NV. About an hour ago I came back from the Apartment pool and saw a huge beautiful hawk perched on my balcony. As soon as it saw me it swooped down to ground level flying away from me. It flew up and landed on the roof 500 feet away. Soon as I got into a position to see it again, the hawk flew away. I know it meant something for me to not only see this hawk, but for it to be on my balcony when I walked around the corner. The experience felt very spiritual for me.
ReplyDeleteLove it! Thank you so much for sharing your story! :)
DeleteI would love to share this fascinating story with everyone.
ReplyDeleteFor the past 3 months I have been learning and opening my eyes to the Law of Attraction and the feeling of gratitude has definitely improved my life all for the better. Throughout my life, I have always enjoyed spending a lot of time outdoors and cherished the warmth of the sun. Lately, I have been more than grateful for the beauty of nature and it really brought my focus on how the world is such a captivating place if you really look closely.
I work at one of the main libraries at my University and I live on campus.Recently I had to have my schedule change to morning shifts and I'm really not a morning person. I usually dread waking up in the mornings.However, today was the first day of my new schedule and I managed to wake up with a peaceful mind and be at work by 7am. During my walk to work I was captivated by the sun rise and the sky and how it set a beautiful glow on everything. I kept telling myself how I am so grateful to see such beautiful sights, for the way situtations are right now, and that everything is working out for me.
About 2 hours of working I decided to take a break and enjoy a cup of tea near the top of the library on the balcony. The balcony faces the whole University.The sky was bright blue and the weather was perfect with a slight breeze. I felt so relaxed and contented with my cup of tea. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes and started to focus on my breathing for about a couple of minutes. I then clearly remember a voice inside of my head say, "Open your eyes". I then opened my eyes and looked at the sky. I had an ocurrence of a couple of thoughts that came to me which were, "You are the creator of your reality...keep moving forward and be positive. Everything you have ever wanted will come to you easily and manifest in the best ways you have ever imagined." I then smiled and took in my state of happiness. I then looked down at my phone to check my messages.
A few seconds later I heard a huge bang and it took me a few seconds to realize there was a huge hawk on the ground to my very right about a few feet away from me. It looked hurt because the beautiful wings were laid out with it's head looking downwards. I immeditely went inside out of shock and looked at it from the window. It then walked towards the glass door on the other side as if it wanted me to follow it. I followed then had a very close and vivid picture of it as it was staring back at me. It then ruffled it's feathers and flew away as soon as a person came in the room.
I was in awe and literally stood there for a few seconds feeling a deep connection. I immedietly googled "hawk symbolism and came to this page. I took in all of the information from this blog and the stories. I know deep within my heart that the hawk was a confirmation from the Universe and a sign that I am on the right track and things are indeed always working out for me.
Faith will take you very far!
Saw a red tail hawk circling above me today and when I got into my car to drive away, I noticed that the time was 11:11. How cool is that! Thank you universe.
ReplyDeleteA red-tailed hawk swooped in on a branch 5 ft away & stared at me for a good 2 minutes today, also the 3 yr anniversary of a good friends suicide.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if they're related but nevertheless a great reminder to never take the little things granted or ignore messages the universe is trying to send through synchronicity & nature.
hi Susannah this morning a hawk flew over mine n my sisters head how can I found out who's attention it was trying to get??
ReplyDeleteA hawk landed on the back road going to my house directly in front of my car and stared me down. Then as I got closer it stayed and then slowly took flight as we were upon it. What does this mean?
ReplyDeleteHi, my Mother ticked me off earlier this evening regarding a family matter so I sent her an email logically explaining my mild point of view. As soon as I sent it I felt guilt, despite the fact that I am, supposedly, allowed an opinion now and again. Then I stepped outside to walk my beloved Lhasa Apso, Chelsea, and as soon as we stepped onto the lawn I found a perfect Hawk's feather. It is now with my collection of beautiful hawk, eagle, falcon, etc. feathers that I have found throughout the years.
ReplyDeleteI may be wrong but.....that feather kind-of told me that I have a right to speak my peace. It made me feel better and it gave me the feeling that I do have a right to speak my peace (so long as I do not offend) and to look at my life as a hawk does..from above,with respect, and to pay attention, not only to others but sometimes to myself. If I do not respect my feelings, who will?
Thank You Hawk,
I pray that you are well.
I love this! I smiled when I read it, because I could sooo relate to "The Mom Thing." :) ...and I love what came to you when you found the hawk feather...confirmation for embracing your truth. I love it! Thank you for sharing.
DeleteAs I was walking home this morning on a familiar path traveled many times I found a Red Tail Hawk tail feather. In a symbolic or traditional way what is the meaning behind this lucky find.
I have noticed there had been always a brown and white hawk following me since my childhood. Everywhere I went when I would look in the sky and there it is circling. When my grandfather passed away a second hawk has showed up all black. And recently a all white one has joined. What does this mean?
ReplyDeleteEvery since my grand baby was born i have had at the least 3 hawks on a power line next to my house. Today i seen 16. I hope they are here to protect her from the tings we can not see.
ReplyDeleteI have a hawk that keeps coming to our backyard. Well last night I seen it again and this time he was hurt. I feel that there is something powerful about this and not yet sure what that may be. We did however capture him and took him to a place that he can receive help due to the fact that he has a broken right wing. Does anyone have an idea the meaning behind this?
ReplyDeleteThank you
I was at work today (i work front desk at a hotel) Now i have seen hawks before soaring the sky above my old apartment, but never took to any meaning! But today was like no other. As i stand in front of my computer, a hawk soars through the doors (they were open to let some air in) as i see it coming closer to me i scream and run, terrified! As i calmed myself down, I knew i had to let it out the building so i made an attempt to open the door it was closest to, from the outside thinking it would just fly out, but instead it flew further into the hotel (behind the desk where i usually stand) and stayed until i called animal control to remove it safely! Im not sure if there is any meaning to this or not, but i can say i feel like it was here for a reason! I have worked at this hotel since 2007 and never once has anything like this happened to anyone here. It def has me wondering now!
ReplyDeletetoday in lostine oregon i stood under at my guess about two hundred hawks circling the sky .it was absolutely amazing and just unbelievable. i felt in awe at the presence of such amazing grace. how would u interperate the meaning of such a magnitude of awesomeness!!! they were migrating . i still just cannot believe it. it was such a BLESSING TO BEHOLD. am just greatfull to have whittnessed that.
ReplyDeleteI saw a dream 3 maybe 4 months ago, I saw a biggest bald eagle, I've ever seen. It was flying, moving its wings, at a close distance.
ReplyDeleteFive years ago my father was in poor health. He was in an assisted living situation and I was 2 hours away. I visited him every weekend, bringing groceries, clothing, life necessities. On one trip to visit a hawk flew directly in front of my windshield, i could have counted its feathers, yet thought nothing of this. The following weekend, on my way to visit him, I saw a dead hawk on the side of the road. Thinking to myself that I have never before seen a dead hawk. The following day my father passed away. I felt it was a symbol. Last week on an outing with my husband, I saw a dead hawk and cringed. Fearing death was inevitable. Two days later a friend had a serious stroke. Both of these men were lawyers then judges. Wise men who saw the whole picture and judged accordingly. I have since felt an affinity to the hawk and pay particular attention to its flights near me. When a family nested 50 feet from my back door I almost felt a certain security, as though I was being watched over. Call me silly. I love my hawks!
ReplyDeleteMy friends son died and ever since all she sees is hawks. She never saw them before and now she sees them all the time.
ReplyDeletea hawk suprised me 3 feet away and a week later came to the ground and sat there and spread it wigs were beautiful